Sunday, September 10, 2017

Writers like any artists have spells when they wonder why bother, what am I doing this for, may's well stop wasting my time, my energy on this 'nonsense' -- creating fiction, a pack of lies to prove a truth, and if it is for money or the Big Win, why don't I just play the ponies like 'normal' gamblers do? There's a blues song in this mood, a blues song for writers and artists, so you have a drink filled with remorse and regret. And then a young person comes to your private bar, comes along and says thank you, says of your worst, earliest book that it was his first ever for him. His first to turn him onto reading. Or that it was her first novel of that genre, and that the thing you crafted moved this person on to read more--not just by you but by others in your category. Then you begin to realize you have spent all that time and energy and talent and skills learned and adapted, all those tools you have picked up and made your own for this reason: to open up whole worlds of your making to others--to readers. That you have created portals the likes of which (with each book you write) open on another time, another place, filled with other people, a portal into which other real people have come and have shared, filling out the formula similar to H20, and then all the doubt and questioning, all the stabbing at the heart of oneself, all the regrets and all remorse slough away, at which point you go back to your work-in-play. rejuvenated because there are readers yet to connect to, readers to feed, and there is always a portal to open.

I have put out 3 new titles this summer. Pub date is Sept. 15 for #3 in my CHICAGHOSTS Series, GOATBUSTERS - sequel to GONE GORILLA and The MONSTER PIT found at and  --

The second FRESH  title is #8 in my Bloodscreams Series, SATANIPEDES which follows SKITTERS.

The additional title out this summer is #1 in a new Series called Killing Time - Under the Dead Man's Hat. Find url below.

Click on any one of the above for a GREAT READ.

"Walker is a master at the top of his game."  JA Konrath, master of frights.

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